Saturday, October 24, 2009

My boyfriend mom treats me like ****...what should i do?

I been with him for three years. all i am to her is another girl. i buy her flowers for mothers day and her birthday . i am respectful. all she does in return is talk **** about me.

My boyfriend mom treats me like ****...what should i do?
I wouldn't take it to heart too much. Most mother-in-laws are very difficult to get along with. All they see is you taking their child away which basically makes you the enemy. She will grow to trust you eventually but I would try having a chat to her, tell her that you love her son and that you would value her friendship and that you would like to get on with he. I'm sure she would appreciate your honesty.

In the end though, the fact is, you are with her son and not her so she is not someone you need to please.
Reply:This is an all-too-common story, and most men have difficulty standing up to mom on behalf of the girlfriend or wife. In the early stages of a relationship, I might say let mom be mom, but after three years, it's pretty obvious it's serious. Now it comes down to the person he was born to having a problem with the person he chooses to be with.

Somewhere along the line, the's going to have go harden his spine and tell her, in no uncertain terms, to either learn to like you or keep her mouth shut about it.

For your part, different people handle things different ways, and I'm afraid my way wouldn't be the best way, but I'd refuse to go anywhere near her, talk to her, or acknowledge her existence. Do avoid firing back at her, though, because that will have no positive outcome for any of you.
Reply:no harm meant, but "WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE". A lot of times if the Mom treats you bad, that means the boyfriend is talking to his mother about you behind your back.

Think about it.

If a guy is madly in love with you, he's going to tell his mom he's so in love with you, and you're the greatest thing in his life, she's not going to be mean to you. Reason, he will get mad at his mom for treating you bad.
Reply:How have you and your boyfriend talked about it? I feel he should bear part of the weight. If he loves you and wants to be with you, even marry you, he must help in handling the situation.

One, maybe cop out solution, is basically see her as seldom as possible and when you see her be very polite.

My husband's mom has always been very difficult w. all of her in-laws except w. me, monstly because my husband drew a line w. her. She doesn't interfere in our lives, like she does in her other children's lives.
Reply:the only thing you can do now is show her you refuse to take her **** any more tell your boyfriend look I have been nice to her and this is what she is doing and i am not taking it any more she will stop once she knows she cant walk over you. I just had this issue with my mother in law and she don't say anything bad about me any more. stand up for your self no matter who it is your up against.

good luck,
Reply:.thats where you have to be the mature one and talk to her about it. find out why shes like that if you havent done anything bad to her.

and if she doesnt change, talk to your boyfriend and figure something out

she seems very controlling and protective.
Reply:Look on the brightside, she'll be gone from your life majority of the time once you guys get married.
Reply:*keep being nice in the end she will come out looking bad
Reply:talk to her and ask her basically whats the problem

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