Wednesday, October 21, 2009

No gifts from BF? it wierd that my bf in the two years we have been together has only gotton me gifts on my birthday and christmas? The only flowers I have ever gotton outside of those occaisions were "im sorry" flowers. I thought boyfriends got thier girls gifts once in a while? Even small stupid a pair of socks he thought I might like....something...

No gifts from BF?
yea that kinda sux cause mine does random stuff just cause
Reply:Obviously, you bf wasn't given the rules on how to court a lady. :) Maybe if you start giving him some spontaneous gifts, he'll get into doing it as well.

Also, if you ever talk to him about this, you might want to say 'You never give me signs/tokens of your affection' instead of 'You never give me any gifts'.....
Reply:I totally feel you! My BF is the same way... nothing spontaneous ever... be it gifts, cards, or just a "special surprise" . All of those so called "Relationship" books out there say if a guy is really into you he will do all this stuff.... I think it is BS. I know he loves me but damn I would like to feel special every once in a while... I do things for him all the time.... reciprocation would be nice
Reply:I think you need to let him know how much you might appreciate a little gift every now and then just to let you know you are being thought of. Too many times we women expect men just to read our minds. That's not fair and we deserve to be let down when they don't perform to our standards without any knowledge of our desires. I had a girlfriend who would get upset with her man because he didn't just "know" what she wanted! I tried to explain that she needed to spell it out for him, but nooooo. She would rather watch him fail to do her bidding and get angry when he didn't "deliver". INSANITY! If it's a little gift you desire every now and then, let him know how much a small token given would be appreciated by you. If he fails to follow through, then you have a gripe. Best wishes!
Reply:You have high expectations.....just be happy that he's even giving you gifts at all. You should really cherish the fact that he's spending time with of you and he chooses you to be his girlfriend, that's what really counts. All that other stuff, flower, candies, and gifts are superficial stuff! There are thousands of girls/ladies out there and your BF could kick you to the curb and get another in a heart beat. So, if you are so unhappy why don't you just let him go and find another. If not, enjoy him and don't sweat the small stuff.
Reply:He ain't spontaneous. You could suggest to him that sometimes he bring something sweet for you, like other guys do. It might not be lack of generosity, just that he can't think of stuff like that.
Reply:No, it's not weird since there are so many guys like that. Weird is if only a handful of guys are like that. You just happen to get a boyfriend who is not as romantic as you want him to be. But the real question you need to answer yourself is this: are random gifts really that important to you? I think the most important thing is how kind he is to you and how loyal he is to you. It's not easy to find guys like that that you like and like you at the same time.

Also, it's possible that his financial situation is not that good, so he can't afford to buy random gifts when he can barely pay his bills every month.
Reply:How old is he? Does he have a job? Is he supporting himself, or living at home with his MOMMY? Have you bought him any gifts? Maybe he just doesn't have enough experience with women yet. Or maybe he is just selfish.
Reply:Be happy he gets you presents on your birthday and xmas. My ex never got me anything ever.

Guys dont think like girls do, they dont always think to buy you little things all the time. You should be happy and appreciate the man you have, and not what he buys you.

If you love him it shouldnt matter that he only buys you gifts on two occasions.
Reply:can i send you sumpin??

skin disease

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