Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My female friend says her boyfriend hates her because she loves him?

What in the world is that supposed to mean?! She complains he treats her bad everytime she does nice things for him, like give him flowers, bought him a laptop, birthday gifts, clean his townhome, holiday gifts, great sex?, now can't understand why he would hate her for that! He treats her bad by not taking her out, supporting her college ed, hanging up the phone on her when she asks him simple questions %26amp; not introducing her to his family. They've been together physically for a year, but known each other for 10 years. WTF is he a mental case and should she dump his ungrateful behind or figure him out? Of course he doesn't give her any materialistic things in return and she doesn't expect those things, but he is a good cook %26amp; cooks for her to include breakfast in bed. She is like a buck O five, so she do not eat alot, but she eats when he cooks. LOL. He is just not fantasy romantic but I'm not saying anything because she is so sensitive so we will wait for you all's responses. Thanks!

My female friend says her boyfriend hates her because she loves him?
He's a douchebag.
Reply:sounds liek she's the girl on the side, adn he's just using her; tell yourr friend to grow a spine - it'll hurt but will help her in the long run
Reply:She's complaining......mmmmm must mean she knows something....she will wake up one day , hope it wont be too late !
Reply:I'm sorry for her that she's so desperate for a boyfriend...hopefully she'll learn that being single can be fabulous and it's never worth "settling" just to keep from being single.
Reply:He sounds like a jerk to me. I think your friend should move on.
Reply:She really needs to find someone that appriciates her! I don't know why some women like to be treated that way!

I hate to say this but he's the smart one! He found someone that he can run over!
Reply:sounds to me like he is not worth her time. find someone better who is going to respect you! Think of you and what you want your life to be like. Do you want to be in an abusive relationship, or do you want someone who is going to love and respect you. He is not worth your time. Get someone else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:© Leave him! These are the types of guys that will most likely abuse their spouses soon. Your friend deserves someone better.

He is a good cook, then maybe he can just have his own diner and your friend can buy from there. Definitely he is not a good lover. Your friend must find someone who will reciprocate the good things she bestows upon the guy. (ZOMG, ... bought him a laptop!)
Reply:There is a huge side of the story we're not hearing and you won't hear from her. But I can tell from the way you worded this that you've completely made up your mind.

Actually many of those things would annoy me also. For instance if I didn't ask her to clean my house, and I never would, it would really annoy me if she did. And the laptop is overboard.

I seriously doubt he isn't saying "I hate you" to her. I also suspect he is telling her to stop going overboard and that is what she is interpreting as "I hate you."

I don't think he's the mental case in this. I don't think he's being ungrateful. And I don't think he's at all difficult to figure out. He sounds like a nice guy who is with a girl who is a little out of control.

If you truly want to help your friend tell her to stop going overboard. I emphasize "IF you truly want to help your friend" because from the way you worded this your intent is pretty transparent. You don't really want answers you simply want responses that echo your own opinion on this.


And you're getting lots of kneejerk responses from people who haven't put a second of thought into their responses.

Reply:thats makes no sense what so ever.
Reply:You can't BUY love.. but you can RENT a lover. that being said he's not respecting her... He should be treating her like a true lady. Opening the doors for her, being nice, loving. etc.. your friend is wasted on this guy. she deserves better.

Tell her to dump him and find a nice guy.

Oh and when she does tell him to hit the road.. since he's a cook tell her to yell out "BAM!!" Like Emeril. LMAO
Reply:He doesn't hate her, he just using her, a"gold digger' is all he is. She ought to wake up, quit trying to buy his love and move on.
Reply:idk how their relationship is. But if i was her i would drop him like a rock lol
Reply:Both sides of the story would be nice. Because if what you say is true... And "simple questions" are simple questions, then i cant understand what is wrong with that dude. He could be taking her for granted. It seems to me he's doign it all wrong. But then again, I'm not hearing his side of the story.
Reply:well if she does so much for her boyfriend she need to TALK to him and establish some rules and stop being his ***** so to say she needs backbone to stand up to him and look for someone else
Reply:That doesn't even make any kinda sense.
Reply:God,i cant imagine this,that guy should go to hell,he cooks for her,knowing fully well that she eats little,that guy is just tormenting that lady emotionally.......

Very soon,she will have to see that that guy does not love her,but please let her find out herself,because,as the saying goes "love is blind",she will assume that all guys are the same which is not true.Let her quit

Reply:i have to say i agree with babe heart she is very right never think you have to sacrifice anything for that special someone being single is not as rough as being with someone whose going to treat you bad i wish you and your friend the best of luck


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