Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My daughter is going on holiday?

my daughter has won a lot of money and decided to go on a holiday tommorrow and im p........ of as iv bought her up to show respect and she will not take me with her i asked her to lend me 1000 pound and she said no where is the respect in that. she bought me a bunch of flowers foe my 40th birthday i was expecting a ticket to go with her.

My daughter is going on holiday?
Quit being greedy and be happy for your daughter. She won the money fairly and doesn't owe you anything.
Reply:wish her happiness

stop been greedy, greediness must stop full stop
Reply:Just be happy for her. Why should she take you if she doesn't want to, it's her money. Support her, be there for her, it's all you can do as a parent. One day she'll realise how much you mean to her, but when you're young you don't often appreciate your parents. Don't let it affect your relationship with her,it's not worth it.
Reply:Where was your respect that you asked her for money. If you bought her up to show respect then you should know that you should not have done that...
Reply:Sorry but just cause your daughter won some money really doesn't mean she has to hand some over to you for a holiday or whatever, that is called been generous not called respect, she has a right to give what she wants to whom she wants and if your not one of those people then sorry but her choice, please don't say you are one of those moms that want pay back for all the things you have done for her like clothe and feed her, sorry it doesn't work like that or my parents would have been millionaires if it had, save your own money then your not beholding to her.
Reply:Its her money
Reply:maybe she want's to go alone..
Reply:i think she is reALLY REALLY CRUEL,or maybe you should just rob her or somethink,you should disown her,maybe on her bifthday bye her a one way ticket to japan and tell her never to come back.
Reply:You sound pretty selfish. You should be happy with your daughter's winnings. Not upset just because she has chosen not to share her luck with you.

If she has done anything wrong - which I doubt - the only person to blame is her parents.
Reply:I cant imagine why she wouldnt take you, you sound like such a laugh too!

(Sarcasm, Shsh!)
Reply:Its your daughters money so its her choice what to spend it on or whether to give you some or not. Just because she is your daughter you shouldn't expect her to give you some or pay for you to go on holiday with her. Why is not respectful if she doesn't give you some money or take you on holiday????
Reply:she is a person in her won right and theoretically does not owe you anything. as someone once said, children are on loan to us! be happy for her instead of bitter and resentful, perhaps she will be more willing to give if she sees you in this light. and why should she take you on holiday with her?!
Reply:respect isn't about giving money away, but about thinking about people's feeling's, How about you learn some bloody respect for your daughter, and start thinking that she may be wanting a break from you. Also this is her money she deserves to enjoy every penny. Be grateful of the present that you received from your daughter, most mothers dont recieve anything, she is showing that she cares about you. I think deep down you are jealous bitter and jealous
Reply:I think you are being a bit greedy you should be happy for your daughter, ahy would she want to go on goliday with her mum she is probably going with her mates maybe its your attidude towards your daughter thats putting her off, don't know how much she won though but if I won big money I would give my mum £1000
Reply:It is not her responsibilty to take you with her as you are a grown woman. However, your statement about your birthday shows you are incredibly immature.
Reply:If you were young would you want to take your mother on your it or not it is not your money and she can do with it as she wills....granted most people would do somethign special....who knows maybe you suprise is still coming....give her a chance to be happy on her vacation and see what happens.
Reply:i can see exactly where your coming from but being only 26 i can see why she maybe wanted to go alone, i have to say tho had it been me i wouldnt nessaserily have taken my mother but i WOULD have surprised her with a holiday of her own but dont be to down on her she is still your daughter
Reply:Always be nice to your kids, as they decide on what home you go in when your old.

White Teeth

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