Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Guys: Tips for making your gal feel special; and Gals: please add more...?

Little things that can make a BIG difference in any relationship:

* give her a bouquet of flowers, (NOT on her birthday)...just cuz.

* next time she's talking, stare deeply into her eyes and listen

* if she complains about her hair, clothes or whatever, give her

a little hug and tell her you think she's beautiful to you no

matter what.

* stop and give her a great big soft romantic kiss when she's

least expecting it. (grocery store, a traffic light, ect.)

* and for a great change of mood... NEVER say to a

woman, "you must be PMS-ing!" (We hate that!) Instead,

try saying something like, "You are so cute when you get

in these little moods!" (yeah, you can lie sometimes...)

* Write her a short, two to four sentence note/poem...and leave

it somewhere that'll suprise her. (taped to her car steering

wheel, in her lunch, on the bathroom mirror, on the microwave

door, or leave a sweet verbal message on her voicemail...)

Guys: Tips for making your gal feel special; and Gals: please add more...?
Reply:hehe he what planet are you from just checking pinch are you real. lol.
Reply:Suggest you read the books below so your an Informed husband/wife, and know how to address problems

Nothing wrong with your methods, but there one-sided. and marriage is a two way street.

God Bless
Reply:I really like the one about giving kisses when she's leadt expecting it! Thats seriously my fav thing he does to me!

skin disease

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