Saturday, October 24, 2009

In january, i made a very foolish pass at my male best friend which was rejected?

at the time he told me it was not a problem, but we should perhaps not see each other for a few weeks, to give it time to heal, but assured me that it was not a problem and we would go back to being friends again as soon as, however, i have tried to contact him since, and he won't either take my phone calls or answer my e.mails, and I don't know what to do, I miss him so much, and my life is not as fullfilled without him, we shared so many good times, and became the best of friends, i should say we are both in our forties and have both been married before and got together as friends, and I ruined it because of missread signs, ( he said how muched he always missed me, how nice i looked how nice my hair looked ) and it was my birthday and he had bought me flowers and had a painting commissioned for me, and also I had drunk a lot of champagne and i was overwhelmed, and now he won't talk to me, what should i do

In january, i made a very foolish pass at my male best friend which was rejected?
I think hes being abit immature.

You should write him a letter and make it clear that you are sorry for what happened and that you really miss him as a FRIEND and that you aren't interested in more than that

If he is a real friend he should forgive you
Reply:typical guy at this age... only want a no strings attached relationship, and run at the first sign that a woman might actually like them more than a little bit.

I know this sounds horrible, but you need to move on because he has already made it very clear that you got too close and he wants nothing to do with it. If he calls again in 2 or 3 months, you need to remember the rejection and forget the good stuff; otherwise he will make it a pattern. Some guys think they can get what they want but ignore your feelings altogether... don't let them get away with that. Your feelings are just as important in a relationship of any kind, and the fact that he runs when you express your feelings is a sign that he doesn't really care about you - he's just a fair-weather friend. YOU CAN DO BETTER!
Reply:Take the hint - it sounds as if he doesn't want to continue your friendship. Obviously your pass was a bigger problem than he let on at the time. The only thing you can do is move on.
Reply:i would have read the signs the same way you did.

all you can do is give him more time and let him come to you when he is ready
Reply:let it rest for awhile. he should have understood you, sad..
Reply:if he wont talk to you then you talk to him, explaon what happend maybe that would get him talking again. I am not an adult **still in school** so my perseption of life isnt as realistic as others, but i hope I heloed, GOOD LUCK!
Reply:Hmmm... this is difficult. The only thing you can do is try to talk to him....face to face, not on the phone, not through email. Is there anyway you can go to his house and speak to him there?? Explain why you did it that you misread some signs and apologize for not reading them right. You also have to realize that it's unfortunately possible it is all too late ... and that the friendship is over.....
Reply:Yeah sounds like you blew it, but he was giving you major signals so it's not entirely your fault.

Chalk it up to experience and move on.
Reply:its so hard to not cross that line but i think that we do when we have strong relationships with people it goes past plutonic to a different level. i wouldnt hurt yourself over this i would maybe let be what will be. im sure given time if you left him alone hell come round hes probably scared that it would be awkward and stuff. it would be very hard to pretend that that was never said.
Reply:then you blew it big time then didnt you?
Reply:are you male ?
Reply:give him some space and see what happens
Reply:Well to some one in your forties, this may sound pretty dumb coming from some one in their 20's but I'd like to point out, that if your friendship was a strong as you thought, you wouldn't be making this post. In my opinion, as a friend, you invested way more into the relationship than he did, and you don't need half assed friends, you do't deserve it. I've been with my present bf for almost 2 years, and my best friend of 6 years drops this bomb on me that he's been in love with me since we met. I didn't act weird, I tld him where he stood, and he unerstood. this was like 6 or 7 months ago, and we live in differnt area codes, but he came to visit me this weekend, and there were no problems. I guess what I'm trying to say is it takes a lot to destroy a strong friendship, and if you made this small (and yes it is a small thing) mistake, and that killed yours, well maybe it wasn't as strong as you thought. Good luck

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