Saturday, October 24, 2009

What should I get my sister?

It is her 16th Birthday and she said she wanted flowers and chocolate but that isnt much of a present. Is there anything else I could get her?

What should I get my sister?
Anything to do with driving (because she's 16) would be great...fuzzy dice for her car, new car mats with her initials on them, key chain, window decals, road maps....

You're a very nice sister to ask.
Reply:i have many problems when it comes to giving gifts to 16+ year olds. i have come to realize that if they are nice to you and love you... you can get them anything you want and they will love it. you dont have to be afraid. first you just find out what your sister really likes ( example- if she likes to dance, give her something dance related or if she like music, make some tunes for her.) all that matters is that you worked hard and you put love into that gift... hope this advice works!!!!
Reply:Get her what she asked for and write in a card that you owe her a trip to the mall. Take her shopping and you'll see what she likes/wants. You could also give her a gift card to her favorite store or give her a gas card if she drives. Visa and MasterCard also have gift cards that can be used for pretty much anything! Good Luck! =D
Reply:Get her what she wants with a little something else. Something she wouldn't buy herself. Good luck!
Reply:gift card to her favorite store and lunch.
Reply:take her shopping... an ipod, digital picture frame
Reply:Gift card or cash.

White Teeth

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