Saturday, October 24, 2009

Help help help i need a great answer as many as i can get for her to help me?

i'm a guy and i know my friend for the last 8 months

we don't live near each other but we talk online every few weeks (and we're both single) and i'm going to fly over and visit her for her birthday and i was going to get her some of her favorite flowers (yellow faragipanis) and say happy birthday and i hope you have many more beautiful and fantastic moments to come in romanian as a surprise (she's romanian) is this a good idea and this is the most importent part how should i give them to her and say the line.

what is a good way to do this without it being over the top or not make it weird for her.

i'll take all the help i can get

serious answers only girls will she like it?

Help help help i need a great answer as many as i can get for her to help me?
While giving them to her say that line!

Its so amazing!!!!

She will be REALLY excited!

I think its cute and your a great guy for doing this!

Have courage give them to her say the line and it will all go smooth!
Reply:oh thats adorable i bet she'll love it!

just act calm and remember to mention that u love her!
Reply:uh, sounds beautiful, maybe over a romantic dinner?? pack the flowers in your suitcase ,, pull em out at dinner. yah!
Reply:Talking online every few weeks would still be friendship status so go easy on yourself and see what she thinks when you get there, too. Let her set the course for all this.

Your plan sounds great and not overdone with the flowers, etc.

And don't forget to breathe, eh!! Good Luck and Enjoy.
Reply:If you're American, she'll appreciate you just being there. If you're not American, she'll still appreciate you just being there. If you don't act like a tourist, you can probably really truly impress her.
Reply:Sound like an internet stalker to me!
Reply:i think she'll love it, i don't think she'll feel weird, she'll be flattered and impressed. In the long run, you end up giving her more of a present than you actually planned, when you consider the great memory she'll have of that birthday and the trouble you went to just to please her.
Reply:It sounds great... just take things slow.. Don't be too pushy
Reply:just be confident cause if you just act shy while you say whatever then she'll be like what???

say whatever is on your mind and don't get nervous and don't rehearse.
Reply:you mentioned you talk online every few weeks...

but you didnt mention if you got the vibe she likes you like that.

i mean, if she thinks the two of you are just friends (even if you do the whole flirting thing, because EVERYONE DOES THAT) and you go fly all the way over to where she's at, thats a bit much...

if you guys are like, 5 hours apart, okay, no biggy, but if you are way apart, thats too big of a gesture and that might scare her.

you dont even know what plans she has for the day youre coming.

im just saying, it could get pretty awkward, you know?

but that set aside, you are a very romantic person, and you sound like a sweetheart!
Reply:Hm, I think maybe you should write down the line and tuck it into the flowers. There arent a million ways you can give the flowers to her lol, you can just show up at her house, knock on her door and say happy birthday with a silly grin on your face. That's always nice :-)

I think, if you dont want to make it weird it might be a good idea to tell her that you're coming before you do go (but obviously dont tell her about the flowers). Sometimes people showing up out of the blue makes some people nervous lol.

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