Saturday, October 24, 2009

Valentine's Day Problem?

my boyfriend %26amp; i have been dating and for eight months. i had thought he wouldn't be able to get me anything for valentine's day, he has been getting his hours cut a lot at work %26amp; i've seen where all of his money goes, i was going to spend money on a date %26amp; not on him directly. however today i found a receipt for something costing about $80, but he ripped it out of my hands before i could read it. i texted his friend %26amp; told him i didn't want to know what, just if he got me a gift and he said yes.

now it's 2 days before valentine's day and i have to get him a meaningful gift, but i can't decide what. price is not a issue, but i constantly out do him. i spent 3 times more on him for christmas and i bought him a $50 video game for my birthday when he just got me flowers (i felt bad cause his birthday was a week before we started dating.) my friends say i should give him a break %26amp; not spend too much.i know it's not price but i want to get him something romantic and not homemade.

Valentine's Day Problem?
Here's a thought. Since you normally outspend him, just this once, don't give him anything. Give him your undivided attention. No tv, no computer, no cell, no IPOD, no blackberry for as much time as you can spend together on Thurs. Make him dinner, buy or make a decadent dessert, give him a massage...........and anything else that leads to that is appropriate......Give him yourself. that's all the gift he needs.
Reply:Don't put to much pressure on the gift giving. My husband spends a lot more money on me that I do on him. It doesn't mean that I love him any less. I would not think of the cost issue. If there is something that you know he would like and is somewhat romantic then I would get him that. It shouldn't be a competition on who spends more. It's really the thought that counts.
Reply:I'd get some sort of guy accessory like a watch or a wallet or something. It doesn't have to be expensive. Just something he could use a lot and think of you when he does.
Reply:i would get him a digital pic frame and have a bunch of ur photos togather its not that $$ and its cute
Reply:Dear is not really a money issue?..why not to focus in your true feelings about him and let your kindness work...I am a man,,and we not always express our feelings in the correct way, but dont let him to abuse about it, lol. I hope you find in this coming holiday the answer to your heart feelings...
Reply:get him a watch or something

poemie for my homie:

its not an obsession

but then maybe it is

maybe i get so happy that you exist
Reply:Here are some really great Valentine's Day Gift ideas from Yahoo! Shopping that will cover everyone on your list:

Gifts for Her:

Gifts for Him:

Find out what's hot with the Top 10 Lists:

For Her:

For Him:

Top choices include Nintendo Wii, iPhone, iPod Nano %26amp; Digital Picture Frames! Don't forget Valentine's Day flowers %26amp; diamond jewelry!

You can find more unique Valentine's Day Gifts at Yahoo! Shopping:
Reply:My Love

Your beautiful soul, yeah

You might need time to think it over

But im just fine moving forward

I'll ease your mind

If you give me the chance

I will never make you cry c`mon lets try

for more quotations
Reply:just do something sweet and not too big spend 40ish dollars
Reply:Like you said, the price is not an issue. So, if you want a meaningful gift for him, it doesn't have to be so pricey. It's the thought that counts. I've been with my boyfriend for 5 years and the first year when we were going out I used to buy him gifts monthly. We both actually simmered down after that and started to conserve. Sometimes he would surprise me by bringing me to a far away place away from civilization just to look at how beautiful the stars truly are at night. I would sometimes make him homemade gifts. Gifts don't have to be perfect, just try to think what your boyfriend makes you think of in mind. That way, you could have a better clue on what to get him. If not, hey try doing something different for a change other than spending a great deal on a gift for him. It will be pleasant either way. He got you flowers? Well, try baking something like cookies or something. Simple things are beautiful too!
Reply:get him one of those musical Valentine's day cards from Walgreens.
Reply:the same thing has happened with me and left me scrambling last night. what i'm gonna do is get my boyfriend some flowers, make some choc. covered strawberries, get some cologne he's been wanting, and write a love letter. it's not too expensive (like you want) and it's thoughtful and rather cute. =)

hopefully that'll give you a few ideas of what to do.
Reply:some people dont get anything for valentines day....sometimes people just get a cheap *** dinner from dennys......=(
Reply:It doesn't matter how much it costs as long as he likes it, but just because you saw an $80 receipt for something don't assume its for you because if your wrong you will probably be disappointed.

make up

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