Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Do men, other than American nice things for their wives....?

I'm not trying to be funny or anything...but I'm from a big city and while in college and also at work I met alot of people from other parts of the world and it seems that the men don't do the things that American men do for their women , like buy them flowers or gifts for their birthday, or just because or take them out to dinner or movies, or do other special things for their seems like only the men are catered to...they basically work and come home and the women to cook for them, clean....while they basically do nothing. My husband is mom and dad's relationship is that way and from what I hear she's not happy. Don't get me wrong I feel that a woman should cater to her man...but he should do the same for her.

Do men, other than American nice things for their wives....?
Yes. I am Indian and I have seen so many of my kind to do these things for women. It's not just Americans.
Reply:I am an American woman married to a foreign man and he treats me like a queen and is all the time buying me things and catering to my needs. He's also good to my family and treats them as he does his family and buys them things every Christmas and birthday. In return I do things for him and cook him his favorite meal and by gifts for his mother, whom I have only met over the phone. I did date some American men before I met my husband and none of them treated me as good as my husband did.
Reply:I think men and women should be there for each other physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially. How they share those duties is between them. Some relationships are very loppsided and work well, others are loppsided and one or the other partner feels unhappy. Some relationships are equal and do not work out well, because the spouse expected it to be more loppsided. I can't speak for other men, but my american babe is a true, red white and blue husband ( I am very spoiled, and so is he)
Reply:What? American men do nice things for their wives? Since when? I was married to one and he never did anything nice for me. I've dated many American men. They don't do nice things unless they want something in return, plus interest. Give me a foreign guy any old day.
Reply:Sure they do - I am indian/African and I do tons of things for my wife but not the way americans do it. Every culture has different ways of showing love and appreciations.
Reply:My husband is from Uruguay and he does tons of nice things for me. He cleaned the entire house this week. I have the weekends off while he works but since I take care of our daughter and he can take her to daycare during the week that it's only fair that he does the major cleaning. My husband baught me a new gps and a new car radio just for mothers day. We didnt even need it he just loves to spoil me. I can cook and we both share the duties but he loves to cook for me. There was a time that I was the only one working while he looked for a job and everytime I came home he had a bath waiting for me. basically he's amazing! and he's a spanish guy.

Dont get me wrong I do plenty for him too. but I think that you just have to find the right guys. There are white men who treat there wives like crap too. so I dont think it's really a race thing. just wanted to show you a little change! Hope you have a great man to cater to you too!

sorry! just got it in my head it was a race thing. I meant there are american men. :) and i'm glad that you have a great husband. I bet his dad and brother are just pr!cks.
Reply:I do things like cook and clean, because I love my family. I have never once thought of it catering to anyone around here. I tell my daughter when she is demanding me to do things for her ( that she can do herself because she is 5 ) that I am your mom, not your maid. I am no one's maid. And I do it because of how much I love my family.

We both do nice things for each other. And we have always done many special things for each other and with each other. We have a fabulous marriage and it is equal give and take. We both put the effort into this relationship.

I love it when he does amazing things for me, and I don't do things because he does something for me.

I love my husband, my LIFE, my marriage. I love that this is what I get for the rest of my LIFE. We are very happily married. And very much in love.

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