Saturday, October 24, 2009

Females, spouses are whinny, and needy . Do they do their fair share in the home?

The way many spouses whine and talk in here, you would think that they were carrying the world on their shoulders. In the meantime, their hubbies are working 8, 10 or more hours to bring home enough bacon to live. That muhla also allows the spouse to go to coffee clatches, shopping, and making herself pretty. Then she gets pissed off when he doesn't bring flowers, a card or forgets a birthday, or anniversary. Then she needs affection, not sex. Thanks. Like, I'm working all day, tired and she wants nonconsumptive loving. I'm going to bed! Tell me your opinion.

Females, spouses are whinny, and needy . Do they do their fair share in the home?
Well lets see.. I get up first in the morning, dress myself %26amp; the kids and make mine %26amp; the kids breakfasts %26amp; lunches, then I take everyone where they need to go. I too work and 8 - 10 hour day then I pick everyone up from work/school. Go home cook dinner, bathe children, put them to bed and clean up anything that needs it. On the weekends, I clean house and do laundry.

My husband gets himself ready in the mornings, goes to work then comes home and sits in front of the computer. On the weekends he does get up with the kids on Saturdays, but that's it.

Yes, he makes more money than I do but that's because I was too busy putting him through college and raising our son to attend college.

So yeah I guess we are whinny and needy but it's for a really good reason. We are carrying the weight of our family's world on our shoulders.
Reply:Well, first of all, people come here when they need problems fixed, not when things are going well. So clicking around on Yahoo Answers is probably not the best way to gauge people's marital happiness.

And second, it sounds like you have some vaguely anti-women problems to work through. Have you ever shared a living space with a women who worked the same hours as yourself, splitting the housework between the two of you? If not, you should attempt it. Your attitudes will change.
Reply:Please allow me to inform you sweetheart that not all spouses are stay at home wives, and believe it or not they work just as long and hard without assistance at home from

the hubby , yet, not all but some couples try very hard to have a work life balance and my take on that is making the right choice when choosing a life partner ie husband , wife, or

significant other, However, just for FYI know one appreciates being taken for granted.
Reply:grow up and be a real man
Reply:Where do you live.

75% of women also work 8, 10 or more hours a day....and then she comes home and works another 4-5 hours.

If you're married you should sit back and watch all the things your wife does and contributes and then say "thank you".
Reply:ok, so while you are sitting on your but for only 8 hours, I'm up at the crack of dawn with the baby, after being up half the night with the baby. Then you come home and it's my job to make sure the house is clean, cook dinner for both you and the baby, get the baby fed and bathed and into bed while you sit on the couch watching tv. Then I clean up the dishes that I didn't dirty by myself, put out the trash, and throw in one last load of laundry, just to make sure you have clean clothes for work. Then when I finally crawl into bed about midnight, because the baby woke up from teething and cried for two hours, you want me to climb on top of you and make YOU feel wonderful for 15 minutes, after I spent the day chasing after the baby, cleaning toilets, scrubbing floors, washing windows, and then you roll over and go to sleep. While I get to get up again, feed the baby, and I might get to sleep about 3 am. Then I'm up again at 5:30 to do it all again. And I have this routine everyday after only 2 1/2 hours of sleep, and you get a full 8 hours, and you are actually complaining that you have to sit on your *** for 8 hours, do some paperwork, then come home to a clean house, and a hot dinner waiting for you. Yea, what a trade off. Oh our lives are wonderful.
Reply:wives usually have a 9-5 on top of their marital duties... if she wants a little affection she probably deserves it. idk where you come from but where i come from women earn their money just like men, they don't just get an allowance handed to them by their husband. i know i sure by my own coffee, take myself shopping and get my hair done on my own paycheck.
Reply:Calling the kettle you are whinning as well. Seriously, you can't say "ok, you work hard so I have absolutely no right to complain or make the rest of my relationship work." Your life is completely different from everyone elses. And, you are also assuming here that the husbands are the only ones working and making any money. We don't live in the 50s anymore, fella.
Reply:You are sure gonna get the rise out of people that you were hoping for.

We all work all day, dear. Of course, you already know that, huh? ;)

And just for a reality check for ya. Here's my scenario and I'm more than good with it.

I work all day just like my dear hubby. He IS going to help clean, cook, take care of pets, kids and do everything else that gets done.. and I don't need to threaten him with sex 'cause I like it just as much he does (if not more).

We both live by the following motto: When mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.

Now you sweet guys can get on here and spout all the crap you want, but you, I, and every other person reading this message knows that motto is true.
Reply:i spend nearly two hours on the road driving to work five days a week. my husband works about five minutes from home. we work the same hours, plus we take classes still. BUT, when i come home, i'm the one who figures out dinner, picks up his trash, cleans up after him. sure, he helps out some, but he doesn't scrub the toilets, clean the mirrors, make the bed, sweep and mop, or even dust. so, if you think i don't have the right to expect a little more from him, then that's your problem. but don't come on here and make a wide generalization about women whining and complaining, and then make the assumption that only men work long hours. i do both, buddy, so get off my back!


i see you gave everyone a thumbs down for giving their opinion. next time you should clarify that you only want our opinion if it's misogynistic and agrees with your anti-woman attitude.
Reply:hehehe you're funny. Well it is true, although i am a woman myself. I guess that's how we are, i mean i dont even know. Obviously it's not the same for every situation, but...i dont know.

So, what you want is to go home and just bang your wife and then get away from her ASAP?

No, I'm being obnoxious, I'm sorry. It just seems like you're pissed off about something to do with that "men are from mars, women are from venus" thing and I don't think anything we say is going to help.

We women want to feel like you're happy to see us, and not just below the waist. And if you want to have sex with us, we have to feel like you like us and care about how we feel. I know that's not always hot, but that's just how it is. And yeah, that includes remembering birthdays and stuff. It's like, if you're going to make a life with someone, you want to have their back - and that means caring how they feel. If you can explain to your wife that you care how she feels and that maybe you don't know how to make her see that, it'll go a long way.

Sorry for the crappy advice. I get annoyed with guys for being so low-emotion too - it goes both ways.

I know guys don't feel the same way, and that guessing what a woman needs is a pain in the butt. I wish it was different.
Reply:My ex was on disability, but did anything he wanted, except work. I, on the other hand, up until my ninth month of pregnancy, worked from 7 a.m. until 10:30 p.m. through the week, and at least 4 hours on Sat. Now that we're divorced, I wonder what he did with all his time, because I still did the housecleaning, cooking, laundry, etc. By the way, now, I'm a single mom with sole custody and he's still borrowing money from me and didn't even make or buy his daughter anything for her birthday or christmas last year.. So, guess you are stereotyping and making generalizations, huh? There are worthless people in both genders.
Reply:Welcome to 2007. Why don't you join us? Females do all of the housework, take care of the kids, do the laundry, cook dinner, and most often than not, work 8-10 hours a day as well. Men come home and ***** about whats for dinner. How do you like them apples you chauvinistic pig.


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