Saturday, October 24, 2009

I need a gift idea?

i really like this girl and she invited me over to her house for her birthday, what do i give her, flowers, chocolate, something else hurry its tomorrow!!!

I need a gift idea?
if i was in your place i'd get her something long lasting, like a picture frame, jewelry, something she really likes that she might of mentioned before and maybe flowers. so she can always remember that u got her that specific gift, and if u decide to get a picture frame, if u have any pictures together u can put the picture in the frame and give it to her. no matter wut u get her, its the thought that counts.
Reply:If you like her and you really want to make an expression, I think you should think about what she would like for a birthday gift. Try to remember some conversations you've had or what she's interested in. Get her something that she'll really love.

But if all else fails, go with something generic but still sweet. Chocolates are always good. Maybe a giant stuffed teddy bear if she's the type. I wouldn't say flowers are the best for a birthday gift, though.


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