Saturday, October 24, 2009

Females, spouses are whinny, and needy . Do they do their fair share in the home?

The way many spouses whine and talk in here, you would think that they were carrying the world on their shoulders. In the meantime, their hubbies are working 8, 10 or more hours to bring home enough bacon to live. That muhla also allows the spouse to go to coffee clatches, shopping, and making herself pretty. Then she gets pissed off when he doesn't bring flowers, a card or forgets a birthday, or anniversary. Then she needs affection, not sex. Thanks. Like, I'm working all day, tired and she wants nonconsumptive loving. I'm going to bed! Tell me your opinion.

Females, spouses are whinny, and needy . Do they do their fair share in the home?
Whenever I read questions like this I realize just how good a man I've got. I stay at home with our kids (This has only been the case since our youngest was born. Before that I worked way more hours than him and made more money so I'm by no means a slacker) But my husband understands that my day is not spent going to "coffee clatches, shopping, and making myself pretty" It is spent keeping the house cleaned, taking the kids to school and the dr, doing laundry, doing grocery shopping (not fun!) doing homework, making appts for him when he needs it, ironing his uniforms, cooking, making lunches etc etc etc....and then before he gets home I make myself pretty for him. Now he's a smarter man than you seem to be so he understands that that's work and I don't get a paycheck for it. That's why when he comes in he tells me thank you and always offers me a foot rub or a massage. Always without fail. Now if more men were like that and treated their women well then their women wouldn't whine so much and would have sex more often! So honestly you sound more like the one whining here...
Reply:Yeah it bugs me. Do they honestly expect a man to come home after 9 hours at work and immediately jump in to housework or taking care of kids when they've been home all day watching TV and playing with the kids? Hell no. If my wife pulled that, she'd be put in her place and fast!
Reply:I think you're sexually deprived and bitter.

A happy spouse = a happy family!
Reply:shut up john you're not even married ivan broke up with you three months ago and you still call him every other night crying asking for his columbian lovin. i swear i thought after he gave you herpes you wouldn't want anything to do with him. god you're dumb
Reply:I know you did not say this some of use women work 8-9 hiurs a day come home take care of the kids cook clean and pay all the bills and all you do is nag about how you guys bring home the money we need to remembe4r everything like naiversay so taht your sorry *** can feel wanted and loved. I am a wife a lover mom, and sometimes a dad to my kids I have four and my husnad does not do anything I make lunch i iron his clothes I do evberything in the house all he does is come home and sleep becuase you guys are so tired of what desk jobs. Please come on pick up some slack with bith had the kids together. And know you are saying that we complain and wine well they maybe if you pay a maid then we will not wine and complain anymore right. Who picks up your dirty cloths and puts in in the washer who make sure that the bathroom is clean so that you can sit your dirty behind on it so you can come and say that we wine and might and and for you not to forget your mother is a women to and are you saying that she wined to when she had to clean your behind when you were a kid. I don't think so women are always her to pick up mens slack. ALWAYS and don't you men forget that.
Reply:I think you need to give your head a shake. Could you be more prehistoric if you tried? What rock did you just crawl out from. It seems to me you are bitter and petty and have absolutely no compassion what so ever. I bet I am safe to say that you are single and will stay that way as long as you think the way you do. Come out of the dark ages man the light is great here.
Reply:Well you're right a good man does all those things, and never points them out. But he also does the other things she likes without being asked. If you do those few other things that don't' take alot of money or time, you'd be shocked at your reward. And for the sex I'll grant you if she laid it out for you just as sex you'd take it before you went to bed. Good Luck
Reply:And what exactly does "whinny" mean? Is your wife a horse?

You're reported for multiple postings of the same lame question.
Reply:The femi-nazis are going to be out in force in this one. sound a 'joy' to be married to.....

I feel sorry for your wife!
Reply:Gee i work 12-14 hrs a day and look forward to going home and having my lover waiting for me and i want his sex and then his cuddling and pillow talk......I do not whine,nag,play head games..... he works hard and we both want to get home to each other.........and be one........
Reply:now you might make alot of women upset on this one. cuz i for one am not a whiner.... we women have more on us than you realize... men just don't understand what its like...
Reply:Ohh get ready for the backlash on this one. Are you asking for a beatwodn from the women here??
Reply:Not all of us spouses are at home eating bon bons and shopping spending our spouses hard earned money, some of us work those long hours and still go home to clean the house make dinner, do the laundry, take care of the kids and help them with home work and still preform like an animal in the bedroom, so is it too much to ask for a card or flowers or even a little affection every once in a while. Heave forbid we should interupt the foot ball game to have you men dish up our own plate. So I guess yes some of us do our fair share just as some of you do your fair share


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