Sunday, October 11, 2009

Boyfriend does not spend money?

hi, whenever i go out with my bf he does not spend any money. he has never bought me any gift except flowers on my birthday. whenever i give him a hint that he should also spend some money he says that i m earning more than him (which is true as i earn almost double than he does). he is an amiable person otherwise but this makes me feel sick sometimes. what should i do? He does spend money on himself like buying new clothes and with this other male friends.

Boyfriend does not spend money?
All I can say to you is, I hope that ur not serious about your bf ,

If he has issues now about you earning more money than him, its not going to get any better, he sounds jealous of you so maybe its time for you do find someone who will appreciate u for the woman that you are. Not all Bf are tight with their money. Hope all works out for you........
Reply:I would suggest you stop spending the money... start going on dates for a walk in the park, or down to the beach (sorry, I live in Hawaii and it rarely goes below 70 degrees here) or other things like that...

he'll ask (pretty quick I'd think) why you arn't going out to dinner or any thing any more and you can just tell him that you're tired of spending all you money when he refuses to spend anything except 30 dollars a year on you(for those flowers).
Reply:When I looked at this question I was like did I ask this is this my question We are in the SAME boat !!

Tell him" spend money on me" ! Its not being shallow or a gold digger its just nice to have a boyfriend who buys us things. I always tell my boyfriend my friends boyfriends buy them purses and clothing you never buy me anything. My boyfriend doesn't understand that either. I think you have to give him an Ultimatum..Do you buy nice things for him ? It should be both ways. Tell him that's what you want and surprise him with something to get it started.

GOOD luck !
Reply:wow, he's cheap... tell him how you feel about this, or maybe just ask him if he'll buy you something...
Reply:Maybe he feels like spending money on the relationship is a waste of money because he doesn't see it going anywhere. I used to buy my boyfriends clothes and pay for things here and there and then I realized that I was throwing so much money away when it didn't work out. I think you should both pay for things and contribute within reason. Just because one makes more than the other doesn't really excuse anyone, it just means that he should pick up the slack somewhere else.
Reply:look for another one very soon...

to avoid delay loss....
Reply:Lol, does he listen to Tom Leykis??

If he does, there's your problem!
Reply:do like him why does every woman in the world think men should always spend money on them . you make twice as much as him so you take the top role and start paying for the dates.
Reply:Stop spending money on him. Its not the reason that you ean bigger than him that's why he didn't spend money for your date.
Reply:Stop spending money on him. He is selfish. It should be 50/50 at the very least. My boyfriend never lets me pay for anything.... thats what real men do.
Reply:start forgetting your wallet at home or don't carry enough cash
Reply:He might be really broke- ask him for something 'handmade' and lets see if he won't spend money on you after tht! *handmade things r very hard to make, and if a sucess it can look beautiful!*
Reply:don't buy him ****,and if he don't like tell him to take a hike
Reply:wow. um its not all about money dear. there are plenty of other women who would rather their man have this problem rather than beating them, cheating on them, etc. why cant you be happy with a gift on v-day, your bday, and xmas? it does make sense that if you make double what he does, he would not be in a position to always buy you stuff. he has needs too and the money he makes goes to that. dont be such a gold digger.


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