Sunday, October 11, 2009

Do you think people are getting the wrong idea?

I am generally a nice guy in my office. The office is 80% female, with about 3-10 people in the office at a time, depending on the time. I bring the ladies gifts when it's their birthday; or random flowers just cause.

There's one girl whom I've become close to the last 4 months that I've known her. I always walk her down to her car, I don't see her everyday but when I do we always take our lunches together; I really enjoy her company, and we'll occasionally hang out, outside of work. She'll call me sometimes when she's at work and I am at home, sometimes for something silly, but occasionally our phone calls ended with her saying "I love you" (as a friend of course), but I think others can hear. I don't think I am leading her on, as she has a boyfriend.

My question is although I am nice to all the ladies at work; do you think my co-workers think something is up between us?

Do you think people are getting the wrong idea?
No. I doubt anyone takes either of you seriously.
Reply:if you treat them all the same and out in the open, it should be ok..but when you isolate one girl, it might look different than you intend.but dont worry too much if she has a guy already.
Reply:Yeah, they probably do. I can see buying the gifts and saying 'I love you' as a sure indicator..even if you are nothing more than workers just love do not be surprised if you end up hearing rumors spread about you two...but, just be careful..the wrong person in your office may be told and might tell her boyfriend.
Reply:Well first thing is first, Are you sure there is nothing between you on BOTH ends? Could it be that maybe she would like more? Second thing, who really cares what other people think? If they dont have the guts to just ask you if anything is going on than, do they really deserve to know?
Reply:Well, it sounds to me like something is up between the two of you(even if you're not aware of it) and thats just from what little you said in your question. So....knowing how people generally are in office situations, I'm guessing there's been some rumours to that affect.
Reply:I would say yessssssssss
Reply:You are giving off all of the signs of a relationship...they probably do think that something is going on. Look at it from their view...would you think something is going on?
Reply:If I was one of your co-workers, I'd certainly think something was up, especially if I don't know you well and you haven't told me straight up.Office gossip will always be there, so don't worry about it so long as you are honest with the people who care about you and who you care about and are genuine in your intentions.
Reply:Probably. People like to gossip cause usually their lives are pretty pathetic. I work with about 50 men and they gossip just as much as the women if not more. You do what you feel is right for you and screw the rest of them. You are the only one that has to live with you and your decisions. So let them talk and when you become old news they will move onto the next victim.
Reply:I dont know this is something you need to figure out. If you were in teir possition how would you think of it? You should ask her what she is thinking then if its too serious ask her to cool her jets some.
Reply:*You bet they think something is up.*

.Be serious now.

.You always bring in little nothings for all the girls (you scream: I'm a Flirt!)

*Then you seem to favor this one particular girl, who has a boyfriend none the less. And you two act as if you are dating, but you're trying to be discreet about it. Hence she calls you and you call her, and you walk her to her car...etc.

**Yes, you can bet that there is someone in your office who hears and sees you two...and gossips about it to your other co-workers. Then that's when the rumors start.

~I think you two should tread lightly and quit saying the "I love you's" (That is a little too much for friends) if you ask me.

.Now what happens if her boyfriend were to "surprise" her at work one day, and she happens to be out to lunch with you, and your co-workers tell him where you two went or something. And he shows up....and sees you two holding hands or something else, that's just an accident waiting to happen.

~I think you better take it easy, she has a boyfriend...there is no reason for you to swoop in and try and take his place. And she should not be saying "I love you" to anyone other than her boyfriend either. You two are both in the wrong to an extent.

.So yes...your co-workers know what is going on, they're not stupid. And you better be careful...even though you might not be doing anything wrong, this could potentially backfire on the both of you.
Reply:Dude. Don't sweat it. Of course some people think that. To be honest, office gossip is unstoppable. And the more you protest the more people will think that there is something to it. Just do what you do and let them think what they want.


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