Sunday, October 11, 2009

How do I get her to like me?

This is a strange question but how do I get a girl that I like (which had said that she liked me also) to go out with me? I'm going to send her flowers on her birthday with a little poem I wrote for her to try to get her to go out with me. Please help.

How do I get her to like me?
I'm gonna tell you this straight young man flowers and poems don't get any girls. Confidence brings success. You know she likes you so go up and ask her out for coffee or smoothie or whatever you kids drink these days. Trust me it works.
Reply:Dude look , if she likes you she'll go out with you just dont try to hard they can smell it like fear . you just have to be your self and hope for the best . but what helps is making them laugh.........just do act stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:How to make her like you? It's not a strange question, but the bottom line is-- you can't. For starters, I wholeheartedly agree with Jon D and Nano. (see above).

Girls are very picky and selective. Not only that, they are very superficial and tend to categorize and evaluate a guy in a matter of seconds. Her first impression of you is all-important. It's very hard to win a girl over after that. It would be wrong to try, because that means acting like someone you aren't.

To make matters even more complicated, girls vary a great deal in their tastes. Some like nice boys, some like bad boys, others like clowns, jocks or bohemian, artsy types. They aren't predictable like guys who always turn their head for a tall blonde with big h••ters.

Yes, many girls still like to be swept off their feet, but they still want to pick *who* does the sweeping. A guy who doesn't want to put his ego through a lot of torture should stand back and wait until a girl gives him a clear signal that she is interested.

Having said that... It appears this girl has ALREADY given you those signals. What are you waiting for? Did you already ask her out and get turned down? If so, *move on*. If you haven't, strap on some balls and make a move before she thinks you are a wuss.

In either, case, forget the poetry and flowers. Flowers and grovelling will make you popular with her parents, not her. You are trying *too hard*. Save the grand gestures for after you are together, your anniversary or next Valentine's Day.

You don't need to make the "date" an expensive, elaborate affair. Personally, I'm against "dating" altogether. Do something casual and non-threatening. Ask her if she would like to hang out. Grab a taco or a cup of coffee. Take a drive to the park or mall and do some people–watching.

Spend time walking, talking and finding out what you have in common. Don't get serious about someone you can't be friends with. Girls love to talk, so this part is easy. Be a good listener.

If she seems to enjoy spending time with you, then you are in. She will mention a movie, a dance, a club or restaurant she likes, and you can smoothly step it up to more traditional dating-type stuff. Keep your dignity and take it slow.
Reply:in the poem put "will u go out wit me" cuz if she has told u she likes u then she wants u to make the 1st move
Reply:dude act cool like be calm and get her some roses
Reply:Dude if she says she likes you, u no longer have to worry about what she will say but how long will she wait? Make ur move man enjoy life and appreciate her for her
Reply:If you want her to go out with you, ASK HER!

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