Sunday, October 11, 2009

I like this girl? Help?

Well there is this girl I like she just broke up with her boyfreind like about a month ago. Now she is going with this other boy.

I gave her some flowers for her birthday she blushed a lot. I wrote her a poem and she gave me her phone number. I see her only at lunch and at the morning. She is very good looking but she goes out with the ugly boys. She told me that the boy that she goes out with her she don't like him. I give her hungs ever now and them wink at her sometimes. She smiles and blushes. I never told her I like her. I guess since the things I gave her she would now know. Well the point is I really like her its almost the end of the school year and I want to say something but I just dont know what. Im in highschool

I like this girl? Help?
what r u waiting for?!

u know that she likes u and

u haven't told her that u like her?


i'm sure she likes u, ever since she gave her #.

ask her out b4 someone get b4 u.

GoodLuck =]

Reply:well if your going to say it before school is out you better get it togather. talk to her tell her you like her and would like to go out. If nuthing but as friends for now let it work it's way up to what you really want.
Reply:Tell her! Girls love guys tha our honest, and I don't know about her, but I'd never laugh at a guy if he had enough guts to tell me that he liked me!

Answer my question!;...
Reply:tell her........ and IN PERSON!!!!! FACE TO FACE!!!!.....not through IM or ovr the phone.... you need to see if she's being true
Reply:if u really liked her try to make them break up but dont make it to obvious and then ask her out or just grab her and kiss her and see wat happens...........
Reply:just ask her and stop being a wuss just watch out for the BF she got now if he tries to fight just tell him its not worth fighting over a girl that dumped YOU
Reply:just wait till she breaks up next and ask her out

or tell her u like her and if she doesnt like her bf she will break up with him for u
Reply:Just say you know how I gave you Flowers and stuff well I like you
Reply:talk to her about the guy she "doesn't like" and then if she's willing to give him up for you, go for it
Reply:i recamend just telling her

when im in to guys i blush

(and give them cheeck and nose kisses ;D)
Reply:ask her out
Reply:Go for it.

What do you have to lose?
Reply:Tell her how u feel!!!
Reply:tell her she will go 4 u use bow chika bow wow only once!
Reply:go for it and tell her how u realli feel


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