Sunday, October 11, 2009

Feel so sad...?

Granted there are those people that feel valentine's day is a waste of money. My boyfriend is one of them. His ex gf told me (he has a kid with her) that one year he sent her flowers every hour while she was at work. He told me that he was young and dumb then. He feels that he shouldn't have to wait to send me flowers on one day, and do it whenever he wants. Well...we've been together a year and the only time I got flowers was for my birthday...cause I mentioned how much I liked them. All week I have been putting little valentine's cards in his laptop case, just to put a smile on his face. I made breakfast this morning, did my hair...and all he said was "Happy V-day.." I haven't heard from him since. I am making him dinner tonight, and dressing up...but now I don't really want to do that. It makes me so sad that I didn't get a 'thank you' or a card...anything. It's just another day to him. Should I still make dinner, or just get take out? I feel so lonely. (we are 26)

Feel so sad...?
It sounds like he has gone from one extreme to the other.....He kinda overdid it with her.....and then they broke up - so he probably thinks ''whats the point?''

There is a very big deserve at least ONE bunch of flowers - he doesn't have to go over the top!

Tell him how dissapointed you are and tell him how you feel - ask him why he couldn't do that for you,,,,,tell him what you wish he did....not in a confrontational way - just tell him ''i wish you bought me flowers''
Reply:Its only valentines means noting.its just a commercial thing.i TOLD my boyfriend not to get me anything.all i want to do with him tonite is hang out.its just another day,its nothing special.
Reply:If the cheakskate can't even get you a card on Valentines Day he deserves whatever he gets from me which would be nothing for dinner. Make him take you out. Or move on to someone who will care about your feelings - he is an insensitive jerk.
Reply:Maybe he has something planned for later. Don't jump to the conclusion that he is a loser boyfriend yet. However, if you go to all that trouble and there is nothing...tell him he can sleep on the couch until he has figured out why you are upset!

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