Sunday, October 11, 2009

PLEASE HELP!! Need Advice About Ex-Girlfriend?

My girlfriend decided to cut off our relationship in June and break up with me after being together 4 years because she said she needed to find herself in life. Needless to say, I loved this girl more than anything, and was going to propose in the fall to her. I have not heard from her since November . I started and in weekly therapy about two months ago, I have been on a few good dates and many bad ones. I honestly miss my ex SO MUCH. But it is so hard for me, she completely phased me out of her life. How can I help myself to move on. In the past , the very few times I tried to contact her, were never responded to. And when I mean very few, I mean, I called her 2 times since September. i sent her flowers for her birthday on January 16th. . My mother tells me to let her miss me, but it has been 5 months. Do you think I will ever hear from her ever again? I feel like I lost the best thing that ever happened to me

PLEASE HELP!! Need Advice About Ex-Girlfriend?
I think it is really time to find a way to let her go. The how is going to be the hard thing, as it seems like you are already doing the right thing. Getting over someone longterm is hard, but seeing other people, having therapy and the like are all recommended way to help.

There are other things to do though, so all is not lost...

Change your way of thinking about her in your head. You have been so focused on your loss that you can't get past it, try thinking about something else. Get five new hobbies and ten new friends and fill your life with so much that you don't have time for her thoughts in your head.

You could try the negative to be positive, try to remember all of the annoying things that she did and focus on those. While you will never truely stop loving her, learn to hate her a little so you can move on. Whenever she pops into your head thing "I'm glad she's gone because..." and "I'm better off without her." Also remember that she dumped you and does not want contact. "How Dare she, the b*tch" after all you had together. Hater her for that. But remember, you are just using hate as a device to help you get over her and move on.

Lastly, and while these may seem like a slap in the face, it's also know as tough, sorry, but you need this. STOP BEING A GREAT GIRLS BLOUSE. Your snivelling, weeping and trying to contact her is not working, so it's time to BE A MAN and get from your knees and move on with your life. All of this is not helping you meet someone new, likely the girls you are dating think you are a right WUSS that can't get over his ex and why would they want to start seeing someone that is going to be still longing for their ex or even worse, comparing them to so called perfect woman WHO DUMPED YOU! So go find the place where you hid your TEST*CLES, shove them back in your pants and GET THE HELL ON WITH YOUR LIFE DAMMIT!

Again I apologise for the use of hard love, but feel it warranted.

Hope this helps in some way.

performing arts

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