Sunday, October 11, 2009

Having A Lot Of Trouble Getting Over Ex-Fiancee. Very Hard To Move On, NEED HELP PLEASE?

My fiancee decided to cut off our engagement in June and break up with me after being together over 4 years because she said she needed to find herself in life. Needless to say, I loved this girl more than anything, and I thought she was madly in love with me and still am very very upset over this. I have not heard from her since November . I started and in weekly therapy about two months ago, I have been on a few good dates and many bad ones. I honestly miss my ex SO MUCH. But it is so hard for me, she completely phased me out of her life. How can I help myself to move on. In the past , the very few times I tried to contact her, were never responded to. And when I mean very few, I mean, I called her 2 times since September. i sent her flowers for her birthday on January 16th. It is so hard for me to move on. I can't get over that the girl who was going to marry me, now does not even acknowledge that I am alive and avoids every attempt for me just to chat. Need Help!!

Having A Lot Of Trouble Getting Over Ex-Fiancee. Very Hard To Move On, NEED HELP PLEASE?
I totally understand your feelings, I am in a similiar situation, my fiancee broke it off in december and I was devastated....imagine christmas holidays without her....I did all that you did, roses and calls and that simply seemed to push her away..I decided to break off all communications and just over a week ago she called to hear how I am doing....then I called her after 3 days...then after 4 more days I saw her and spoke to her ....all the conversations were nice but she is pretty much saying that she is not ready for a relationship and if she calls me I will have false hopes so that is why she is not calling, seems like she just wants to be friends or to keep me on standby, I want more so I am annoyed that she initially called and that I called expecting more cause now I am confused, she has made it harder for me to get over her....So I think that you need to not persue her and just give her time...It is hard but keep praying, have faith, hopefully she will realise that you were worth her time.

Best of Luck....I hope that your love gets a fair chance.
Reply:it takes a long time to heal from that. eventhough i was the runaway bride it still took me three years to get over my ex. i kindly refer to it as the crash of '03! you probably will be like me; a part of you will always love them; but over time it changes. given enough time you will forget the color of their eyes; idiosyncranies...
Reply:If people have trouble getting over ex gfs, I can just imagine how hard it would be to get over a full blown engagement. you just have to realize that these things happen for a reason, and learn that she is not the one for you. dont do these gestures for her anymore, she doesnt deserve them. i mean, did she even say thank you for the flowers? thats pretty rude. Im not sure if she will contact you again, but for your best interest you should act like she never will. shes dead to you now, let her go and find something better
Reply:I have a very similar problem. When I love someone, I can't seem to get over them. My parents were married for 27 years, and my mom just left him for another man. My dad was devistated. He cried, said he wanted to kill himself, and ever drank everyday. The only thing I can honestly say got him over my mom was when he started dating other people. He just tried different woman, went on a lot of dates, and kept busy. I am proud for my father that he no longer sits around depressed about my mother. Just try hard not to think about who she is with or what she is doing. All women come running back, but don't wait on this, because you do not deserve to be treated like that.
Reply:Good question man. I'm in the same boat. We weren't engaged (yet) but we were talking about marriage. She was even talking about it a week before she ended it. We broke up in October after 4 1/2 years together. She was my whole world and for several months I was completely lost and confused. She became very cold and distant for a while. We are still friends and still talk on occassion to catch up, but now she is moving to Phonix. I still can't get her out of my head and still want to be with her, even after all that has happened between us. Its a very confusing and frustrating time.

The best advice I can give is to give it time. Like me, you have to start moving forward with your life, because life is too short to sit and wait for someone. Do the things that make you happy and go out and meet new people.

Sometimes we all need to step out and see if there is something more out there, which is what she is doing. She will either find a new life for herself or she will realize that you were everything she wanted and come back. This could take a few months, it could take a year, but you can't sit around and wait for her. Only time will tell. God Bless!
Reply:i really feel for you, your fiancee treated you very unfairly and of course you have every reason to still hurt,

she obviously had some big turmoil inside that made her act this way and you cannot blame this on yourself...

it is very difficult to move on and everybody has trouble trying to forget a person they loved so deeply...but you have to have contacted her and she has not responded, although this is very cruel and heartbreaking it is probably for the best because this way you must face that this girl has moved on...

if she ever changes her mind she will contact you - so try to put her memory aside and go on some more dates - dont expect to fall in love immediately but in time the hurt will disolve and you will begin to have fun with other seems impossible now but it will come :o)

im sure you are a good man and can offer so much to a woman who will love and appreciate you and remember we have all dealt with heartache and come through it! good luck!
Reply:Wow, I am so sorry you are going through this. I have been in an engagement that I was unsure about, and it is a very confusing time. It is hard to end something that has been such a big part of your life and its hard knowing that you will hurt the other person. I think she needs some time to come to terms with what has happened. I am sure she still cares for you deeply.
Reply:This is eerie! I had the same thing happen in September. Email me and we'll talk in private a bit, maybe we could help each other...even if to just blow off steam.

The answer though is that she probably won't ever write/call back. Any contact with her, like the flowers will just push her away further.
Reply:it seems like she was confused or wasnt ready. I know it hard because you loved her an wanted to marry her. You 2 werent on the same page though. Sounds like she has personal struggle and she doesntl want you in it. I think she wasnt good enough for you anyway. I think you should find a woman who is good enough for you and when she promises to marry you, she'll do it. In the meantime, focus on something else that you love to do. It will help with the pain.
Reply:Just move on bro she doesn't want you anymore,All i can say is go out get drunk with the boys get rat arsed pick up women go to prostitutes and just live a mad life,Why worry over some ***** that didn't want you all along?You'll find a new girl bro,I went through the same shite but why dwell on it,Just live your life bro plenty off fish out their in the sea and eventually you will find a girl that really wants to marry you!!!

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