Sunday, October 11, 2009

How do I get my friend to fall for me? What's the next steps I should take?

I have fallen for my best friend and I can't stop thinking about them. I've had different types of advice on whether or not I should go for her. When I've asked her to describe to me what she sees in a man that she wants to date, alot of the qualitites I think I have she has mentioned. She even convinced me to ask her out before, but she rejected me, saying she just sees me as friends. I've seen some of my other friends get together in relationships, so I do believe that friends can fall for each other. Just recently, I sent her flowers on her birthday and she called me and said that I didn't have to do that, but she really liked them. She's finishing up school and said she hopes to see me over Thanksgiving. I was thinking of giving her a chocolate advent calendar then so she can have it while at school in December and have a note attached asking her out, but tell her to not read it until the day after Christmas.Is this appropriate?Is there a better way of doing this?ShouldIjustgiveup?

How do I get my friend to fall for me? What's the next steps I should take?
A chocloate advent calender? That's cool if you are in the 8th grade. You are in the "friend zone." You missed your window. Now, you can only try to get her on a rebound, or get her really drunk and knock her bottom out. Ruphees work, too.

Reply:Give it up, been there done that, you are only asking for misery. Also, using a note to ask her out...lame!!! I also dont get the she convinced you to ask her out but then rejected you. What is that?
Reply:NOOOOO!!! NEVER GIVE UP!!! Eventually she will come through and accept you as more then just friends.
Reply:Oh no, don't do it! If you've expressed you interest in the past she knows it's there. It sounds like she just wants to be friends and I've seen too many good friendships fall apart that way. Friends can fall for eachother, but that usually takes time. There is no way to make her fall for you. She knows how you feel, and when she feels that way about you she'll probably let you know! But in the meantime just be a good friend.
Reply:First off-RELAX, someone ringing their hands over you is not an endearing image, when she thinks of you, you want her to picture the self confident and secure in what you want man that I'm sure you are. Don't beat around the bush, just be reasonable with her and yourself. Maybe like for instance " I like you, I really enjoy our relationship, how do you feel about maybe kickin' it up a notch, do you think you'd like that?" Just give her time, let her ponder the possibilities. And be a man she will respect.
Reply:friends should never go for each other its to much drama

they say you can know someone for your whole life but live with them and your find you never really knew them in the first place
Reply:that sounds soo sweet. no matter what i think she'd be grateful, so go ahead and do it
Reply:oh my god! you're so romantic...if she wouldstill rejct you, then look for a way that she would miss you..that is where you test her...

do not show up for a month, do not reply to her msg...then show up, ask her out...
Reply:I think you should hold back. You are doing way too much. If it was going to work, it should have already. You may have hit friendzone.

puppy teeth

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