Sunday, October 11, 2009

I think she really likes me but i'm making her UNCOMFORTABLE.?

I started talking to that girl when she was in england. We got so connected that i even sent her some flowers on her birthday. She liked it. And i think that's one of the reasons why she came back to florida to live with her mom. She sent me a text on her way to the airport and called me when she arrived. But she's usually the one who calls me. I never call her. Now, she's back and she doesn't really call me as she use to when she was in europe. Now, when she calls, me someone always call her. Sometimes she puts me on hold. I still haven't met her yet. But i think she would love to. Should i just ask her for her adress?

I think she really likes me but i'm making her UNCOMFORTABLE.?
call her, instead of her having u call her
Reply:nothing ventured nothing gained, I'd say. After all, what's the worst she could say ... Bog off! OK so it's not very flattering but you've not invested anything substantial in her so you will know where you are and can move on. If you don't ask you are stuck in limbo and will always wonder 'what if?'

skin disease

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