Sunday, October 11, 2009

What you can do when you like a girl, she knows it, give you some chances, but still acts kind of odd with you

There is this beautiful girl. I've sent flowers on her birthday, which she loves. Then we start to go out and spent some time together. She knows I like her, and she has told me that she also likes me. But we are stuck, in a situation which honestly is starting to annoy me. Even when I was going out with her, she get a bf with whom she did'nt even last a week. She told me did that because I was going out with my ex-gf, but I also did that because she did not allow me to get any further.

Ok, now we both know we like each other, but I don't want to push her into another level, but we still talk and there is this odd feeling of knowing and wanting to do and say something, but we don't get it out!!

I've even try to talk to her, in order to express my true feelings but every time we get together she prefers not to, and change the subject.

Should I push her to talk, tell her about what I'm thinking, be patient or walk away?

What you can do when you like a girl, she knows it, give you some chances, but still acts kind of odd with you
It kinda sounds like she is playing games but at the same time maybe she is just being carefull and don't want such a serious relationship to go too fast, so maybe just have fun and keep hanging out you don't need to be all lovey dovey, just have F.U.N.
Reply:Try doing some activities where other people are involved- movies, miniature golf, etc. Maybe it will help to relax her. Report It

Reply:I think she's just messing you about, buddy. I recommend you try and forget about her and find somebody who appreciates you - you sound lke a nice guy.
Reply:sounds like you have communication problems - i would put my feelings in writing - email or a letter - just be sure to re-read your letter many times and be absoutely sure it's exactly what you want to say cause the written word is permanent! i have done this with someone i've dated and he loved it cause sometimes it's hard for me to put my feelings into words!
Reply:don't let her manipulate you, just ask her a yes or no question.....and hope she says yes....
Reply:sounds like shes keeping you on the back burner in case her b/f dumps her.... walk away
Reply:She's a tease.
Reply:She wants a friend that she can go out with here and there and he picks up the tab. She probably still has the boyfriend but he's not giving her everything she needs or is cheating on her and she doesn't want to leave him, that's where you come in.
Reply:I agree with the writing of a letter.... But not an email. Hand written! But read it many many times cuz.... yes the written word is permanent! BE COMPLETELY HONEST!! This is very important. But don't let all be known either. Use it as a base, a starting point. If she runs and hides. Run in the other direction and move on bud. Cuz that means she's either a player or she's not mature enough to handle the relationship anyways.
Reply:Kids today!

She's playing games with you and like an idiot you are, you fell for it. Move on!


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